Want to read the "Big Book" (Alcoholics Anonymous©) or the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions©? Click the book icons below. The links lead to aa.org where you will need to download a security program before downloading the online book in .pdf format.
Big Book Concordance
Want to find a word in the Big Book? Use this handy list of all the words printed in the Big Book.
The concordance was assembled by a group member and is intended for use by anyone as a study aid with the "Big Book." Please do not copy with the intentions of reselling or claiming copyright.
Steps, Traditions, and Concepts Page
and related websites
None of these study guides listed below are approved literature by A. A. W. S. However, you may find some or all of these as helpful resources in studying the "Big Book" and the principles of A. A.
Steps by the Big Book®
study guide
for those in recovery
from the disease of addiction
who wish to work the
12 Steps by the Big Book,
Alcoholics Anonymous.
or by section:
Steps 1-2-3 Focus Meditations/Prayers
Step 4 Focus Meditations/Prayers
Steps 5-12 Focus Meditations/Prayers
Introduction to Steps by the Big Book, Workbook for the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Summary of Steps by the Big Book
You may download this study guide from this site or from stepsbybigbook.net . The authors have allowed free download and use of this material.
Fourth revision March, September, 2006
Send inquiries to:
Steps by the Big Book
#7 Small Meadows Lane
Putney, Vermont 05346
(802) 387-5398
(Google ads on this website)
Big Book Study Guide
May be read with a word processing program such as MSWord®, Open Office Writer, etc. or a PDF viewer such as Adobe® Reader. Printed copies are also offered.
Primary Purpose
Group Big Book
Study Guide
Go to the Primary Purpose Group Study Guide Page and download the individual sections of the PPG Big Book Study Guide in Word, Open Office Writer, and other word processing programs.
The Table Mate: Guide To The Twelve Steps
also known as
The Detroit Pamphlet
This edition prepared January 2002 by Glenn F. Chesnut, History Department,
Indiana University South Bend. It may be downloaded from the Hindsfoot Foundation
website, http://hindsfoot.org, from the section on A.A. Historical Materials.
May be read with a .pdf viewer such as Adobe® Reader.