The Monday and Wednesday Zoom meeting ID is:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 865 901 1729
Password: 2021
(Click here for a direct link)
The Zoom mobile app may be downloaded from the Apple Store for iPhones or Google Play for android. The web browser version may be downloaded directly from Zoom.us
Come join us!
Help us carry the message of hope and recovery.
Van Alstyne Sunbeam Group
Meeting Schedule
Sundays - in-person
6pm (Open to anyone - Discussion)
This is an in-person meeting held at 556 W. Jefferson St across the parking lot from the Church of Christ sanctuary. This meeting hall is a former residence (house) and easiest to access it from the Church parking lot behind it. Enter through the back door closest to the parking lot. Jefferson Street is sometimes busy in the evenings and is narrow. Parking in the parking lot behind the meeting hall is recommended. Please see the map below.
Mondays - ZOOM
6pm (Open to anyone - Discussion)
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 865 901 1729 (no password) Download the app through the Apple Store or Google Play or attend by computer browser at zoom.us
Tuesdays - in-person
6pm (Open to anyone - Discussion)
This is an in-person meeting held at 556 W. Jefferson St across the parking lot from the Church of Christ sanctuary. This meeting hall is a former residence (house) and easiest to access it from the Church parking lot behind it. Enter through the back door closest to the parking lot. Jefferson Street is sometimes busy in the evenings and is narrow. Parking in the parking lot behind the meeting hall is recommended. Please see the map below.
On the third Tuesday of every month, the Group Conscience Meeting is held immediately following the 6pm meeting (approximately 7pm). The Group Conscience Meeting is held simultaneously in-person and via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 893 2141 7559 - no password.) Download the app through the Apple Store or Google Play or attend by computer browser at zoom.us This meeting is intended for those who consider themselves members of the Van Alstyne Sunbeam Group. The group conscience meeting, sometimes referred to as a business meeting, is the member's forum for all group issues or any changes to the group the members think necessary. Please note the meeting ID's for Discussion meetings and the Group Conscience meeting are not the same.
Wednesdays - ZOOM
6pm (Open to anyone - Discussion)
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 865 901 1729 (no password) Download the app through the Apple Store or Google Play or attend by computer browser at zoom.us
Thursdays - temporarily not meeting on Thursdays
Fridays - in-person
6pm (Open to anyone - Discussion)
This is an in-person meeting held at 556 W. Jefferson St across the parking lot from the Church of Christ sanctuary. This meeting hall is a former residence (house) and easiest to access it from the Church parking lot behind it. Enter through the back door closest to the parking lot. Jefferson Street is sometimes busy in the evenings and is narrow. Parking in the parking lot behind the meeting hall is recommended. Please see the map below. The Birthday Meeting is held the last Friday of every month in conjunction with the Discussion Meeting. If you wish to, bring snacks or drinks to share. At the end of this meeting, we will celebrate annual and monthly milestones by giving chips denoting different lengths of sobriety to the celebrants.
We meet three times a week in-person at the meeting hall (former residence) provided by the Church of Christ at 556 W. Jefferson St. in Van Alstyne, Texas located near the sanctuary (see picture and map below.) We also meet twice a week via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 901 1729 - no password.) All meetings are OPEN to those interested in AA. The Church and meeting hall are non-smoking facilities.
* The above meetings are listed with the Dallas Intergroup Association
All members of Alcoholics Anonymous are welcome at any meetings listed on the Dallas Intergroup website. Area groups follow the Third Tradition, therefore regardless of the meeting format (Men’s, Women’s, Young People, Seniors, etc.) any members are welcome.
- excerpt from the Dallas Intergroup Association MEETINGS page.
(The map below sometimes lists the address next door,
but still shows the correct place on the map.)

Above: The meeting is held near the intersection of Rigsby Hopson streets.
Below: Behind the church sanctuary is the church office, our meeting place.
Below: Our meeting place. Welcome!

Though the Van Alstyne Group is not affiliated with the Church of Christ, the Group is grateful for their generosity in allowing us to meet in their facility. For more information about The Van Alstyne Church of Christ, please visit the Church website HERE.
or e-Mail us at
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