Newcomers Welcome Here!

Van Alstyne Sunbeam Group
Alcoholics Anonymous
556 W. Jefferson St.
Van Alstyne, TX 75495
View the Calendar
There will be no speaker meetings in November nor
December due to the holidays.
The next speaker meeting will be held on
Sunday, January 26, 2025
A speaker meeting is when one or more members share - as described in the big book - "what we were like, what happened, and what we are like now."
Toward the end of the speaker meeting, we take a few minutes to celebrate different lengths of sobriety (milestones) achieved by group members by practicing the AA program one day at a time.
Caution: This is the ONLY official website for the Van Alstyne AA Group. Bot crawlers, web robots, and unscrupulous greedy individuals, and occasionally some treatment centers like to list Van Alstyne Group as if it one of their own creations or partners. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Van Alstyne Group is completely autonomous. Some of those websites will have the meeting schedule wrong, display ads pertaining to for-profit treatment centers, drug therapy for alcoholics, non-twelve step methods with their brand name attached, etc., etc. This group has nothing to do with any of those individuals or entities.
However, we do list our meetings with the Dallas Intergroup Association. The DIA does a fantastic job of supporting the individual AA groups in the greater Dallas area. Much thanks to the employees and volunteers of the DIA.
Link to the Van Alstyne Group website:
Website: Since April 15, 2009